Members who choose to join the Association receive the following benefits:

- Participation Opportunities: Access to conferences, panels, round tables, professional meetings, seminars, lectures, and other events organized by the Association aimed at developing relations and friendship between Serbia and the U.S.

- Networking: Opportunities to connect and network with experts from various fields, including social, political, economic, scientific, cultural, and others.

- Program Development: Ability to create, develop, enhance, and implement programs for cooperation and exchange of experiences in political, economic, scientific, educational, and cultural areas between Serbia and the U.S.

- Project Involvement: Opportunities to design, participate in, and execute projects conducted by the Association.

- Consulting Services: Access to consulting services provided by the Association.  - Research Utilization: Access to research conducted by the Association.

- Additional Benefits: Other benefits related to the Association's activities that contribute to achieving its goals.